@nonjwspouse Sweetie... I'm almost in tears reading your response to me. I have tremendous respect for you not viewing this man as disposable. If anything, I want to shout at my computer screen that your husband is so unworthy of your greatness : (. But I DO understand your emotional tug-of-war. In fact, if we replaced "getting a divorce" with "leaving the WT organization", I'd be reading a similar expression of heartfelt agony. When we started waking up to the horrifying realization that we were in an unhealthy, deceptive relationship (with this CULT), we all undoubtedly went through similar stages of grief. We were conditioned to hallucinate that a life OUTSIDE of WT would be FAR WORSE than if we remained a part of it. Some of us had family in the balance - children who'd just been baptized and would shun us for simply walking away from the WT's abuse. Families HAVE been torn apart because of our awakening. So, yes, I do sympathize deeply with your struggle and have nothing but admiration for your intense protection the gorgeous daughter who is in the middle of all of this. If we knew one another personally, I'd be bringing coffee over to your house right now so we can hug, cry, laugh and put back the broken pieces of your soul back together. Sending you so much love. If you feel comfortable disclosing what part of the world you are in, I can try map out if we're close enough so I can actually do something proactive for you.